1. Master The Art Of Recycling
Recycling is a major activity when it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy environment for all. It helps in reducing the amounts of waste people tend to scatter in the environment. Recycling should, therefore, be a habit in your home and make your children know how and why they should recycle wastes too. Train them how to separate different kinds of waste in different bins to ensure that wastes are properly disposed of. Put your recycle bin is a place where every child can access so that they can easily and always dispose of wastes whenever they come across them. This way, they will not have an excuse of why they didn’t dispose of any waste in the house.
2. Use Washable Wipes And Biodegradable Diapers
It is time every parent become a clean and green mom by using washable wipes and biodegradable diapers. It is better to use cloths like provisions to wipe your baby bum rather than using the wipes usually bought in the store. Apart from these wipes being unsafe for the environment, most of them contain toxins that may harm your baby’s bum. Disposable diapers are also very detrimental to the environment, and this is the reason why every mom who is willing to go Eco should embrace the biodegradable diapers. Many moms have come to like these diapers because they know that the biodegradable diapers are the smart choice not only for the baby but also for the environment. The good thing is that these environmental friendly diapers are available from different suppliers and it’s for you as a mother to choose your favorite brand.
3. Spend More Time In Nature
It is very easy to appreciate the natural world if you are willing to spend ample time with nature. Take a nature walk with your children once in a while and help them learn the importance of having such beautiful nature around people. Also, encourage them to spend more time outdoors in the plantations and with safe animals. It is through such experiences that will understand the connection between nature and people. It is possible that they will become good stewards for a clean and healthy environment as well.
4. Usable Recyclable Food Containers
Most parents usually go for packaged snack items. Rather than using such in your home, learn to use recyclable food containers. These containers are eco-friendly, and they will allow you to pack more fresh food for your children all in one pack. Once your children learn this habit, they will also want to do the same not only now, but also in the future as they grow up.
5. Be Creative When Training Children About Being ‘Green’
Environment conservation is a very technical topic to start teaching children about it at home from nowhere. Therefore, look for ways to tell your children about it without making it sound like rocket science. For instance, you can tell them a sad story of animals or birds that ended up dying because people decided to cut down trees yet that was their habitat. From such a story your daughter or son may learn the dangers of deforestation and may never want to see people cut down trees. Children tend to be very compassionate may want to save the animals and birds.
6. Plant Trees
While you may have taught your children the dangers that come with deforestation, take action and be actively involved in saving forests. Plant trees and allow them to plant some too. You can make it an annual habit to plant a tree somewhere in your backyard or participate in public events that involve planting of trees. Children love imitating adults, and they might continue with this trend even when they grow older.
If you have decided to become eco-friendly, these tips will help you become actively involved as a parent. Being a good green environmental steward, will encourage your children to follow similar steps and together you will save the environment.