Stress-Free Back to School
by Pennie Sempell

Back to School means all sorts of organizational challenges that can lead to stress and tension in communications in the family. Most people function better in a more organized environment.

Here are 5 tips I have done to reduce school year stress and family conflicts:

1.    Use a whiteboard: Managing multiple schedules is simplified with a functional calendar that everyone can update. Buy a large whiteboard and hang in a conspicuous spot (like the kitchen) and use it to track practices, recitals, appointments and games.

2.    Simplifying paperwork: In the business work, if a task can be done in a few minutes or less, do it immediately. When permission slips comes home, read it, sign it, and put it in the backpack (and your calendar if needed).

3.    Reduce paper clutter: An inexpensive file box can be organized by subject for each child, using folders and tabs. Pop the papers into the box each week to keep the piles from growing.

4.     Meal Making: While you’re making dinner, prepare lunches for the following day. There is one clean-up instead of two, and one less thing to do in the morning. Store lunch supplies in clear containers so easy to spot.

5.    Time to listen: Each day, make time to listen to what’s going on for your child, without interrupting, criticizing or judging. I know that’s a tall order, but do your best. Ask an open ended question, like “Tell me about your day.” You are modeling good communication skills as well as helping your child learn how to express himself.
Working with physicians and psychologists at a major medical center, former teacher and mediator, Pennie Sempell, JD, ACMT specializes in integrative healing arts and mind-body therapies.  She has written, performed and produced award-winning programs for children with a focus on health literacy.