How to help your children Like Math - part 1

“Time for math, Bonnie,” said mother. Immediately Bonnie bursts into tears, “I can’t do math today. I’m too tired,” she blurts out. Mother tries to control her frustration as she says to herself, “It’s a good thing we’re homeschooling, you’d never make it in school. You’re going to need to know math, but with all we’ve tried you still don’t get it. Your brothers and sisters didn’t have this much trouble, But you are different, creative and can solve almost anything, but not math! What can we do?”

There is hope!

First, let me tell you about a learning classification that changed my outlook on learning everything.

It’s a fact that some students work harder to get “C”s than others work to get “A”s. That was my story.

It was with great effort that I graduated from college with a teaching degree and still considered myself as inferior to others.  But when my son “hit the wall” and said with his strong determination, “I’m not learning any more at that school!” I knew he meant it. Having my son experience the same feelings I had dealt with all my life was unbearable, ashamed and sorry, I was willing to move mountains.

In a meeting at school with myself, my husband, his teacher, the principal and the school psychologist; the teacher’s opening remarks were, “I think the problem is, that he doesn’t matter to anyone.” My reaction was immediate uncontrollable tears. My husband came to the rescue and asked that our son be in put another class, not with that teacher. Being unprepared for a higher class he did not succeed there either.

Homeschooling became the answer.

I enjoyed Homeschooling although it refocused my life. My goal was for him to catch up and be able to enter high school with satisfactory skills. He learned well but still felt inferior.

My life changing AHA moment came as a result of my husband’s meeting a psychologist at a Boy Scout Camp where he explained our dilemma. The professor suggested a Right or Left-Brained Dominance Test. Afterward he invited our son and us as parents to meet with him to discuss the results. He showed us that our son placed off the page to the right and his teacher was probably Left-brained.

Then he explained different characteristics of Right- and Left Brained Dominance. I was ecstatic as I recognized my Right-Brained tendencies and suddenly realized I was not a slow learner, that I was not inferior and that these characteristics could actually be hidden assets. I appreciated my brain as never before and wanted to learn more. You might call it day dreaming but I wondered many things.

•    Would children, who feel they are a slow learner, misfits, day dreamers or broken become self-confident with this understanding?
•    Could it affect their learning?
•    Could it change their future? 
•    Is there be a wide spread need for this information?
Complete spectrum with Brain Dominance
Realizing the brain has a complete spectrum and some people use both sides of the brain in learning and dealing with people, however some are predominately one side or the other, that some people and especially children feel inferior because of learning differences.   
First, as I explain some of these characteristics can you think of someone you know who exemplifies these characteristics?

After becoming aware of these characteristics, would you like to know more?

In the next part of this article you will learn how using these characteristics help a child learn math, even if it is difficult now. They will learn how they can discover their own Math Super Power for Success.  

Evelyn Crandall Fannin is a college graduate with a Teaching certificate. In the public schools she taught in grades 1 – 9. She married George R. Fannin and raised 6 children and 1 foster son, now they are grandparents and great grandparents. Being an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints allowed her to develop many talents. Her greatest accomplishment is her creation of the Cool tools Math Courses with Activity Books and Video instruction. Her dream is that all United States children, who learn differently, can through her right-brained approach discover their own Math Super Power for Success!