Toys and Games For A Child's Improved Memory
Memory improvement and thinking techniques are just as important for children as they are in adults. This is because memory affects all other intellectual processes. However, the memory is one of the easiest mental processes to train. When teaching a child something new you can never go wrong with making it fun. Turning activities that are usually boring (such as learning math) into a game builds the child's interest for the subject.

Memory Training Games and Toys
We all played memory games as kids even though we had no idea that we were playing them. Remember the game where you had a series of cards all facing down and you had to match them up? You might have known this as the game called “Concentration.” In this game, since you are only allowed to turn up two cards at a time, you had to rely on memory in order to be able to match up all the cards and win the game. This game is not only fun but it is also a great way of increasing short-term memory in kids.  The best thing is that you can play this game with your kids, thereby improving your memory as well.

Another popular children’s memory game is one that involves the use of songs and rhymes. In fact, songs and rhymes are a mnemonic technique that can be quite useful when you are trying to memorize a list of items. Remember learning the alphabet in kindergarten to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”? The trick is to keep adding new items to the list once you have mastered the old list.

These and other memory games such as jigsaw puzzles can be purchased online or at your local toy store. Online memory training games usually come in the form of memory software which contain a wide variety of memory games of different complexities. Note that it is important to purchase programs that have several different modules and levels so that you won’t have to purchase a new program every time your child outgrows the old one. Also, ensure that the programs are easy enough to use because kids get bored easily, especially when a subject seems complex.  Lastly, you should consider buying a program that allows multiple users just in case you want to train your memory as well.

Although studies show that memory improvement and thinking techniques are an effective way to improve memory in children, parents should know that it is normal for children to have relatively poor memory skills. For instance, the average 4 year-old has between one-half and one-third the memory capacity of an adult. Therefore, unless your child’s memory is poor compared to other children his or her own age, regular brain training with memory improvement software should be good enough.
About Ultimate Memory™

Ultimate Memory™ is the market’s leading memory improvement software package.
Scientifically proven to improve memory with as little as ten minute’s use per day, Ultimate Memory™ is also backed by an iron-clad guarantee.

Containing many innovative strategies, tutorials, tips and exercises, users benefit from a myriad of varied ways to learn.