The Moment They Finally Get it Makes it all Worth While
by Amanda van der Gulik

If you're anything like me then you do your best to prepare your children for their adult life right?

You spend numerous hours teaching them your best life lessons, repeatedly so much so that you often hear, "Yeah mom, I know...such and such..." with exasperation at the 'nagging' they feel they are getting.

You do your best and still you wonder if it will ever truly sink in.

Then one day, totally out of the blue, your child says something to you or does something that shows you that they 'got it'! They actually got your life lesson and even better they are actually applying it! YEAH!

Have you experienced that moment yet?

I did recently, and I wanted to share it with you to give you hope so that if you haven't yet experienced it yourself, you'll feel more confident knowing that there is hope. That all your hard work will not go to no avail. That your child really does 'get' your lessons.

This article is meant to inspire you to keep on doing what you're doing. To not give up. To know that one day all your hard work will pay off!

So what happened? Well actually two things happened, and both made me super proud and relieved.

First my kiddos came home from a weekend at Daddy's and excitedly told me they had come up with a new business venture to earn them more money but realized that they didn't have enough funding money to get it started yet. What really made me proud in this moment was not the fact that they had come up with their own idea of how to make money...I kind of expect that from this since they've been encouraged to do this for year...but that they continued to tell me their plans that:

- they were going to find some alternative ways to make money to raise the funds to start the special venture (this made me feel good)

- and that they were going to split their income into their 6 Magical Piggy Banks in order to get the money they needed to start their venture (this made me super proud!) Why? Because I have been teaching them my special 6 Magical Piggy Banks method for years and it has become such a habit for them that now they simply assume that they must always split their income in this way and have the patience to earn the money slowly by doing so rather than by just earning the money directly for their venture.

In other words, they were willing to divide their income between all of their different savings and wait until they had enough in the one they needed to do their venture. That meant that they did not even consider 'borrowing' money from their other savings...that was the part that really made me proud!

I mean think about it, how many adults do you know who would be patient enough to actually save up the money they needed to start something new without taking any money out of other savings to get there faster? Not many is my guess!

So that was the first 'happy' 'proud' moment. To know that the money lessons I had been teaching them over the years had taken firm root in their belief systems so that managing their money had actually become a habit for them rather than a task.

The second moment was about another life lesson, that has to do with our thoughts, word choices, what we send out to the universe.

My daughter was having a pretty rough day the other day and she can be prone to looking at the glass as half empty when she lets herself. (we have had many 'whoa-is-me' moments when she was younger). I've had my job cut out for me to teach her that it is essential to always find the good in every situation in order to learn and grow and move forward as each new challenge comes our way.

I mean, let's face it, bad things happen. No matter how positive a person you are, life is going to send you bad stuff to deal with every now and then.

So over the years, I've been teaching my children how to see the bad as a good. That by accepting what happens, learning from it, and then moving forward we have the opportunity to turn everything that is bad into something good.

As I mentioned my daughter was having a very bad time, and instead of going into a despair moment, as she may have otherwise been inclined to do, she surprised me with her optimism. It was sincere optimism too, not just the 'cover up' kind.

She told me what had happened, how it had affected her and how she was going to turn it into a good thing. She actually quoted me verbatim with, "but it's okay because...". I was stunned. I was thrilled. My daughter had found one of the keys to happiness. She had just shown me she was capable to going 'outside' of herself and see the situation from a third-eye perspective and find the opportunity for good in it!

And she was 13! That's a challenging enough age as it is!

I wish I could share with you the exact details but as much as I love helping others, I also cherish my daughter's faith in me to keep her private life to ourselves.

I wanted to share these two experiences with you to help you keep your own faith up that one day all that hard work of teaching your own child or children the life lessons that mean the most to you will finally 'sink' in and be a natural part of your child. :D

One of the life lessons that I love teaching my children is goal-setting and sending out to the universe that which they desire. Here is one of our personal videos that I made to keep ourselves on track to achieving our goals, I hope you will enjoy it and maybe you'll make one for yourself or your child to help keep you inspired as well.

Enjoy! :D

Here's to you and your child's happiness and success. Enjoy each moment you see the life lessons you taught your child shine back out to the universe!

Cheers...Amanda...Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)
Best-selling author, Amanda van der Gulik, has been homeschooling her own two children for over 11 years. She loves to share her own experiences to help other families and is the founder of Visit Amanda’s site today to grab your FREE copy of one of her amazing money tools for kids and teens, like her eBook, “Goal Setting for Families” workbook or her “50 Money Making Ideas for Kids and Teens” eBook to help your child find some fun ways to make their own dreams come true!