It's Not Over! It's NEVER Over!
by Amanda van der Gulik

Has your child failed on their dreams?

Do you find your child has a dream or goal, strives towards it and then gives up when it seems

too hard to achieve?

Oh trust me, you are NOT alone!

So what can we do as parents to keep that excitement alive in our children?

One of the best ways to keep your child's excitement alive for their goals is to see end results.

I know, you're thinking, but if they don't achieve the goal then they won't see the end result and then it's over! Finished! Am I right?


What if you tried this instead....

When your child does something that is not nice to another child, what is the first thing you normally do? You try to show your child what it would have been like for him if the roles were reversed, right?

How many times have you caught yourself saying, 'sweetheart, what you just did was not very nice, how would it have felt if they had done that to you?'

It's one of the most effective ways we have as parents to get our children to really understand how what they do affects others, let them feel it for themselves. Right?

Well, the same is true for their dreams. They don't need to feel their own success, see their own end results in order to know what it feels like and to allow their souls to feel what that success feels like.

I know we've turned it around here a little, instead of using this method to show our children what they did wrong and how that felt to the other, we are actually allowing our children to feel what it's like when someone does something nice to them.

And that will make your child ever so much more excited and devoted to attaining their own goals when they can truly put themselves in the shoes of someone who is having their dream come true.

So how do we do it?



Yup, you read that right.

By giving to others, we get to feel what it's like to have the other's goal/dream come true. By having your child choose a charity that they really feel connected to they will attain a huge feeling of empowerment and importance. Their efforts have positively affected another soul and that's a very BIG deal!

That feeling of doing something good for someone else will carry through to their own goals and dreams. Now they may feel even more excited than before to achieve their own goals and dreams.

They may even become dedicated to their own cause, having seen how success feels and how much power they have in their own lives to achieve great success.

Helping others is the best way to help yourself!

Take a quick look at this conversation I had with best-selling author, Robert G. Allen, on the importance of giving to charity...I'm positive you will be surprised by what he has to say, it's NOT what every other guru out there is saying, this is a very new idea. Very powerful! Enjoy! :D


By now, if you have been reading my monthly articles, you will know that my mission in live is to help you empower your kids and teens and trust me, this is one of the biggest pieces to that puzzle that I will ever be able to share with you!

Your child's dreams don't have to have an end date, each day is a day to start it fresh with excitement and is one of the main keys to assuring that your child's own dreams do come true!

Here's to your child's success and to the success of those your child helps along the way!

Cheers…Amanda van der Gulik…Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)
Amanda van der Gulik homeschooled her own two children for over 12 years and is the founder of She has been a featured guest on Radio Disney Seattle and was featured in The Costco Connections Magazine both in Canada and the USA. Visit Amanda’s site today to grab your FREE copy of one of the 7 Great Tools to teach your child or teen about money, like her fun cartoon, “The 6 Magical Piggy Banks” or her "Goal-Setting for Families” workbook to enjoy together with your child to raise their financial consciousness and empower their self-esteem! Enjoy! ;