Is Homeschooling the Right Choice-Part ll
by Seth Prezant

My two children have only known private schools until today. This morning I will drive my babies age six and eight to a, deep breath, public school. I am assured that it is one of the best. It has been rated an "A" school. I never got "A's" so who am I to judge? My wife and I discussed home schooling but home schooling is for zealots, right?

A 2003 study by the National Center on Education Statistics found that a third of parents who home school do so for religious or moral reasons. Hello, the school is rated "A", not "R". Another third will home school for concern over safety and drugs. Isn't it a fact that more children are injured and killed in or around their homes than at school? And 16% felt they could provide better academic instruction than a traditional school. Why then did Los Angeles try to invoke truancy laws against home school parents and children? Even The California Teachers Association argued that, "parents do not have the unfettered right to dictate the terms of their children's education." 

From the outside looking in, even the thought of home schooling seems, well, out there. But I am not only an outsider but an insider. Most parents can only walk their children to their class on the first day of school. The rest of the year it’s drop off and pick up. Volunteering at schools is not so easy anymore. Background checks and security clearance is a must for many districts before a parent can volunteer at their child's school. Observing a class is now unheard of at public schools and you might have better luck getting an appointment with your OB/GYN this week than your child's teacher. Public school seems safe thus far.

I, however, am in public and private schools every day. My company provides in-school Science field trips so I get to see what is really happening. I get to hear from many teachers and what I see and hear puts doubt about the choice my wife and I made not to home school.

Let me start with the "A" grading my children's elementary school received. This grade is based on one single FCAT test that covers Math and English. This grading system does not really cover social studies, science (it’s only tested for in Broward County, Fl starting in 5th grade), or the arts. Since social studies, science, the arts, and physical education are not tested from K-4th grade the instruction in these areas are slim to none.

"NOT TRUE," the public school administrators will argue. "Science is a major push in the schools." The reality is many public schools have converted their science labs into Math and Reading labs. Science specialists are rare these days, and teachers are given huge workbooks and plastic models to teach lessons on life-stages, ecosystems, and development.

No longer are classroom pets allowed. No birds, no turtles, no lizards, no hermit crabs, not even fish. So long ecosystems and habitats. Frogs have been declared toxic and too dangerous for children. We'll just show pictures of tadpoles turning into frogs and that will do the trick. Incubating an egg and watching life emerge into a wet yellow ball of fluff is outlawed. Eggs as you may know can contain salmonella. Yes, of coarse the schools still serve egg salad to our children. Why wouldn't they?

And there are lots of choices to eat at public schools. A fried and battered potato (french fries) was considered a vegetable and kids can choose between a side of mac & cheese or steamed veggies (I am sure my kids will choose the baby carrots and snapped peas). Lessons on health and fitness are partially guided by a "Commit To Be Fit" program. This program is sponsored by the American Beef and Dairy Associations. Can you say "heart attack" anyone? Luckily P.E. is only once a week.

And recess. The chance to unwind, stretch, blow off steam and get some well needed exercise for your child's developing body. Not anymore!

If you haven't noticed there are no merry-go-rounds at the playgrounds. High slides are long gone. Monkey bars are banned in many schools and swings are flying out the yard. Climbing trees is not only prohibited, it's near impossible. All the trees near the schools have either been trimmed of all branched or cut down completely! Okay, let's reduce risk of injury. But at what cost? How about no running?

"No Running" signs have been posted in Broward County Florida Schools. No unorganized or undirected running will be tolerated during recess. Yes, running is banned. Please note: No Running is in addition to No Tag and No Dodge Ball.

I know, I know, thousands of children are hurt in playgrounds every year. Countless bones have been fractured due to tree climbing, skinned knees from falls, and bumped heads from running. Tag has caused hurt feelings and an occasional exchange of bad words. But really, what are these crazy m*#!&ns thinking?!

In the name of "preventative measures" the public schools are hurting our children by turning them into non-thinking kids with zero coping skills to handle real life. How do children learn to handle conflict when we won't allow any? How do we play when they are not allowed to play? Undirected play "allows children to learn how to work in groups, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts," reports the American Academy of Pediatrics. If we do not allow to our children to experience rejection or feel what it is like to lose at a game how can we expect them to become strong and work hard at winning?

In Broward County teachers are required to take elementary children out for a mandated 30 minutes per day of physical activity. Since one out of every six children is obese, not fat or chunky, obese, this seems like a good idea. But how much physical activity can you get if you can not run around? One third of the adults in America are overweight and that includes teachers. So I guess the overweight Math or English teacher is helping our children lose weight and get healthy…huh?! What am I missing here?

One teacher told me her little secret to the mandated rule. She pops in a fitness video into her classroom television set (American children already spend an average 6 hours in front of a screen so what's another half an hour?). Now if you are like most people in this country you have purchased "7-Minute Abs", "Tae-Bo Workout", or "Richard Simmons' Sweatin' to the Oldies". Is your six-pack visible? Do school administrators really think this is a good substitution for running around during free play?

Home school parents, you are wrong! Schools are safe. Too safe for our children's own good. Too safe for their health. Too safe for their education. Morals? Obscene language is heard all over public schools: "No running!" No Playing!" And with all the hype about school ratings home school kids consistently perform as well or better on state exams and college admissions than students in public schools. Gee, maybe you can provide better academic instruction than the public schools.

Teachers work very hard, care a great deal, and put in more effort and time than their salaries would suggest. I salute and honor all teachers whether they teach at public schools, private schools, and at home. It is the school officials, in the ivory towers, who have become safety zealots at our children's expense. My prediction is that they will be the downfall of public schools and the rise of homeschooling.

Safety is another way of saying, "without risk." If we remove all risk from our children lives we are not preparing them for the real life…which is full of risks. I should know. My wife and I took one sending our children to public schools.

Seth Prezant is the founder and Bugmaster of  His award winning web site was created to help promote fascination and education in science using nature’s most abundant creatures…Bugs! Seth is a true EEE (Education & Entertainment Entrepreneur) providing educational and entertaining nature shows for schools, camps, aftercare programs and home school groups all around South Florida. The Bugmaster can be reached @

You can find many more easy parent/child projects to do together on Seth's website