Does My Child Have ADHD or Could it Be A Cureable Yeast Infection?
by Shelley Tzorfas

Question: Our child has been diagnosed with ADHD and medication is recommended. Is there anything else we can do before we try medication?

Answer: Yes, many children and teens that are diagnosed with ADHD actually have an undiagnosed yeast infection.

This is a controversial subject, and I am not a medical doctor. I do, however, have over twenty-five years of experience with the subject.

The symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder consist of an inability to sit still, jumping from place to place, trouble focusing, difficulty remembering facts or what was read, and so on.

Interestingly the symptoms of a systemic (internal) yeast infection are much the same. Trouble remembering facts, inability to concentrate, jumping from one thing to the next, and so on.

There is a chance that the symptoms can be alleviated by "curing" the yeast infection before trying the medication.
So what is a yeast infection, and how do I come to cure it?

Many infants who had their first few check-ups ear had infections after vaccinations (another controversial subject). They receive antibiotics to kill off the bad bacteria that caused the infection. Antibiotics don't typically discriminate between bad bacteria and good bacteria. When the antibiotics stop the ear infection, the infant or child returns with another infection; sinus, strep throat, etc. Again they receive antibiotics to get rid of the infection. This cycle may be familiar to you. Sometimes ear tubes are suggested to help avoid the need for antibiotics. They help drain the fluid.

In the meantime, the repeated rounds of antibiotics have killed off the healthy bacteria. Yeast is a normal part of the human body, but when antibiotics are repeated too many times, the healthy bacteria that keeps the yeast in the lower portion of the body are reduced. Thus the yeast spread internally - they "eat" the mucus lining of the intestines that protect us and proliferate. Creams are useful for the outside parts of the body, but not to reduce the overgrowth internally (systemically).

The yeast craves certain foods, particularly sugar, carbohydrates, fruits, and anything that ferments. If your child "has-to-have" cookies, pizzas, and candy, you know what it is like. Kids who say they are starving, take a few bites, leave the table, and come back again, are likely to have yeast overgrowth. They become bloated and gassy. They get tired easily, tend to have dark circles under their eyes, and cold hands and feet.

Both the ADHD child and the yeast infected child exhibit many of the same symptoms. In my opinion, the real difference between the ADHD child and the child with the yeast overgrowth is that the yeast infected child is sick more often. They get headaches, stomach aches, more allergies, diarrhea, constipation, and so on. They tend to whine a lot. They are often considered "hypochondriacs", while they really are not.

Actually, the sicker a child is, the more likely yeast is to blame. That is because the yeast seems to travel. There are many great books written on the subject that connect yeast with ADD and food allergies. It is well worth your time to do the research. Some are written by respected M.D.s.

There are antifungal medications available by a doctor's prescription, while health food stores offer anti-yeast preparations. For example, acidophilus (an active culture in yogurt) replace the good bacteria into the system. Probiotics come in liquid and pill form. Even garlic has some antifungal properties.

Some experts believe that simply changing your child's diet will get rid of the yeast overgrowth.

I disagree. By eliminating sugar, fruits, and carbohydrates, the yeast may not grow as rapidly, but other measures are required. Not all doctors, homeopaths, or nutritionists agree either.

If you are a parent, you know how difficult it is to take away all sugars and carbohydrates. My opinion is to reduce them whenever you can, but to fully stop those foods is nearly impossible.

Yeast prone kids and adults are more affected by dust mites as well. Try putting a plastic cover that surrounds the entire mattress top and bottom to reduce susceptibility. Keep few stuffed animals in their room. Put other stuffed animals in air tight bags for when it is time to rotate them.

If you are fortunate and work with a good health food store, do the research, and have a willing pediatrician, you just might find that your ADHD child will calm down and focus, thereby avoiding the need for the ADHD label or medications.
It is certainly worth a try!

SHELLEY TZORFAS is the Founder of Specialized Tutoring/Learning Assessments, and has been tutoring students with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia as well as undiagnosed kids for nearly twenty-five years.
Shelley views Dyslexia as a "processing of information problem, either in the visual, auditory or kinesthetic mode," and strives to educate the general public about learning disabilities.Like other dyslexics, Shelley has had varied, successful careers. These range from appearing on a PBS documentary, and exhibiting artwork in museums. She is currently writing a book on learning differences.
Shelley, nee Gelfman, is a single mother of two boys and lives in New Jersey. She is available for consultation and/or tutoring, and may be reached at her website at .
Her email is , phone number is
(908) 735-9053.

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